Base concepts

Concept of entities which Foxstore is based on.


 * Atomaric data-unit, that may contain info
 * @export
 * @class Event
export declare class FoxEvent<Payload = unknown> {
    name: string | symbol;
    payload?: Payload | Observable<Payload> | Promise<Payload> | undefined;
    constructor(name: string | symbol, payload?: Payload | Observable<Payload> | Promise<Payload> | undefined);

Event is minimal data-wrapper that can be sent through eventbus named Dispatcher. Simply, it is a pair of key - name - and value - payload.


 * Simple Event-manager
 * @export
 * @class Dispatcher
export declare class Dispatcher {
    constructor(initEvent?: FoxEvent, scheduler?: SchedulerLike);
    dispatch(event: FoxEvent): void;
    listen(...eventNames: (string | symbol)[]): Observable<FoxEvent>;
    emitDestroy(): void;
    get destroy$(): Observable<FoxEvent<unknown>>;

Dispatcher is simple event manager that can dispatch and listen events. Dispatcher is eventbus that can be shared between different modules or any other entities in your app.

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