
Wrapper of Dispatcher that have its own state which it can manage and share.

ProtoStore class

 * Parent class that contains all basic methods of Store
 * @export
 * @class ProtoStore
 * @template State - type | interface for state of Store
export declare class ProtoStore<
 State extends Record<string, unknown> = Record<string, unknown>,
 EventScheme extends EventSchemeType<State> = EventSchemeType<State>,
 > {
    eventScheme?: EventScheme | undefined;
    options: StoreOptions<State>;
    readonly eventDispatcher: Dispatcher;
     * Subject that contains
     * @type {(ReplaySubject<State | {}>)}
     * @memberof ProtoStore
    readonly store$: BehaviorSubject<State | {}>;
     initState?: State | undefined,
     eventScheme?: EventScheme | undefined,
     options?: StoreOptions<State>,
     eventDispatcher?: Dispatcher,
     * Selecting stream with data from Store by key.
     * @template K
     * @param {K} [entityName] key of Entity from Store. If empty - returns all the Store.
     * @returns {Observable<State[K]>}
     * @memberof ProtoStore
    select<K extends keyof State>(entityName: K): Observable<State[K]>;
     * Hack to get current value of Store as Object
     * @readonly
     * @type {State}
     * @memberof ProtoStore
    get snapshot(): State;
     * Patch current value of store by new.
     * @param {State} update
     * @returns {this}
     * @memberof ProtoStore
    patch(update: Partial<State>): this;
     * Clears the Store state by empty object.
     * @memberof ProtoStore
    clear(): this;
     * Resets the Store state by init state.
     * @memberof ProtoStore
    reset(): this;
    dispatch<EventName extends Exclude<keyof EventScheme, number> | string | symbol | FoxEvent, Payload extends EventScheme[Exclude<EventName, FoxEvent>]['payload'] = void>(event: EventName, payload?: Payload): this;
     * @param eventNames names of events to listen
     * @returns Observable which emits only passed Events
     EventName extends Exclude<keyof EventScheme, number> | string | symbol,
     Payload extends EventScheme[EventName]['payload']
     >(...eventNames: EventName[]): Observable<FoxEvent<Payload>>;
     * This method lets to work with events dynamically
     * @param eventName - event`s name to listen
     * @param callbackFn - function that gets payload of event as argument
    on(eventName: string, callbackFn: Function, options: {
        once: boolean;
    }): this;
     * Method to destroy this Store and all subscriptions connected to it.
     * @memberof ProtoStore
    destroy(): void;
    log<T>(entity: T, type: EntityToLog): this;

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